Quiz Club

Quizzing is an art and a test of the intellect. The Newman Quiz Club aims to identify students who have a flair for quizzing and create opportunities to sharpen their quizzing skills. Quiz Club is a unique and exciting way to motivate, inspire, encourage and reward students in their quest for knowledge. The main objective of the quiz club is to popularize quizzing activities among students and encourage them to participate in all quiz competitions at the state and national level.

Aims and Objectives
• To form a group of quiz enthusiasts.
• To initiate new students into the world of knowledge.
• To lend hands to beginners and lead them to the world of knowledge
• To guide them on specific quizzing areas and encourage them to participate in quizzes.
• To conduct interdepartmental quiz competitions.
• To conduct periodical quizzes on specific topics among the club members.
• To encourage members to share their knowledge and form teams.
• Assign specific tasks that will encourage learning.




          Club Coordinator

Fr. Dr. Eldho K Thomas
Asst. Professor
Department of Mathematics