Dr. Bejoy Thomas
Area Of Specialization: Nanocomposites Phone: 94975 79673 E mail: kbthomas@gmail.com Google scholar Link
Dr. Cincy George
Area Of Specialization: Nanocomposites
Phone: 9447142289
E mail: cincygeorge@gmail.com Google Scholar Link
Dr. Alex Joseph
Area of Specialization: Electrochemistry
Phone: 94977 19239
E mail: alex.chiramattel@gmail.com
Google Scholar link
Dr. Cintil Jose Chirayil
Phone: 94959 99533
E mail: cintiljose@gmail.com
Google Scholar Link
Dr. Joe Jacob, Associate Prof.(Rtd)
Area Of Specialization: Astrophysics Phone: 9846015011 E mail: drjoephysics@gmail.com Google scholar Link
Dr. Thomas Varghese, Professor (Rtd),
Area Of Specialization: Nanoscience
Phone: 94470 46922
E mail: gigithomas08@gmail.com Google Scholar Link
Dr. Beena Mary John, Asst. Professor
Area of Specialization: Photonics and Material science
Phone: 8848522094
E mail: drbeenamaryjohn@newmancollege.ac.in