Newman Talent Scholarship

Newman Talent Scholarship: Celebrating Excellence in Academics, Culture, and Sports

Newman College is proud to announce the Newman Talent Scholarship, an exclusive opportunity for our students who have demonstrated exceptional talent and achievement. This scholarship is designed to recognize and support students who have excelled in academics, cultural activities, and sports.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be a current student of Newman College.
  • Have won prizes or achieved distinction in academic, cultural, or sporting competitions.
  • Or have shown outstanding academic performance in university examinations.

Scholarship Benefits:

  • Financial assistance to support educational expenses.
  • Recognition of achievements in the college's publications and website.
  • Opportunities to represent Newman College in various inter-college events.

We encourage all eligible students to apply for this prestigious award and take a step forward in achieving their academic and extracurricular goals.

Application Form for Newman Talent Scholarship

Newman College - Newman Talent Scholarship Application Form

  1. Personal Information:
    • Full Name:
    • Student ID:
    • Contact Information (Phone/Email):
  2. Academic Details:
    • Current Course of Study:
    • Year of Study:
  3. Achievements (Please provide details and attach supporting documents):
    • Academic Achievements:
    • Cultural Achievements:
    • Sports Achievements:
  4. Personal Statement:
    • In 500 words or less, describe how this scholarship will assist you in your academic and extracurricular pursuits at Newman College.
  5. References (if any):
    • Name:
    • Relationship:
    • Contact Information:
  6. Declaration:
    • I hereby declare that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
    • Signature:
    • Date:

Submission Instructions:

  • Complete the application form and attach all necessary documents.
  • Submit the form to the Scholarship Office.