Guidelines and Subscription

Articles submitted for publication must be typed double space on A4 paper with proper margins, and must follow the latest MLA style. Articles may be sent through email as “Attachment” in the address with the writer’s name, address and phone number below the title and a brief CV at the end of the paper.

Articles published in this journal do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the editorial board. The journal is refereed by  a panel of experts.

Annual subscription rates:
India Rs. 2000
All other countries US $50 or 35 or    35

The payment of subscription may be made as DD drawn in favour of The Managing Editor, IJPCL, payable at SBI Thodupuzha and sent to the address given below.

Address  all  Correspondence to:

The Editor

IJPCL, PG Department of English,

Newman College, Thodupuzha East P. O. Idukki Dist.,

Kerala, India. Pin: 685585.

Phone: 04862 - 226247, 9961971552, 8547441757


Printed and published by the HOD, PG Dept. of English, Newman College, Thodupuzha East P. O. Printed at Printech Offset Press, TDPA. Ph: 227191