Centralized Allotment Process (CAP) for Under-Graduate Programmes.

Mahatma Gandhi University has introduced a new Portal for the U.G. Degree Programmes being offered in its affiliated colleges from 2011 admission onwards. For detailed notification and to apply please visit M.G. University website.

Please visit :

Application for admission to Community Quota,Management Quota,Sports Quota / Cultural Quota / Persons with Disabilities Quota will be available from the College Office and the rank lists for admission in Sports/ Cultural / Persons with Disabilities Quotas will be published in the College.The following documents are to be produced at the time of the interview
Original Mark List of Qualifying Examinations. T.C (Original) and copy of S.S.L.C/C.B.S.E/I.C.S.E/Degree mark list.
Conduct certificate (Original). Community Certificate (for SC, ST, OEC) from Thahasildar.
Certificate if any in NCC/NSS/Sports.
Eligibility Certificate.

(w.e.f. 2013 Admission)

The three year undergraduate programme will be divided into 6 semesters, each semester consisting of a minimum of 90 working days, inclusive of examinations, distributed over 18 five-day academic weeks. The duration of the odd semesters will be from June to October and even semesters from November to March.
The time table shall be set according to the Day order system to provide proper distribution of working days for all courses. There will be a common calendar giving schedule of admission, classes, Internal and External examinations, evaluation and publication of results.

2. The structure of the semester system will be as follows:
Common Courses: which will include compulsory courses in English and additionalLanguages.
Core Courses: which include methodology courses and courses on the subject ofspecialisation, one elective and one project which will be compulsory for all students doing a particular programme.
 Complementary Courses: which include courses the study of which wouldcomplement the study of the subject of specialisation, which will be compulsory for all students doing a particular programme.
Open Courses: which include all courses other than courses in the area ofspecialisation of the student concerned, the choice which will be decided by preferences of students and availability of teachers.


  • ‘Academic Week’ is a unit of five working days in which distribution of work is organized from day-          one      to day-five, with five contact hours of one hour duration on each day. A sequence of 18 such            academic         weeks constitutes a semester.
  • ‘Additional Course’ is a course registered by a student over and above the minimum required courses.
  • ‘Audit Course’ is a course for which no credits are awarded.
  • ‘College Co-ordinator’ is a teacher nominated by the College Council to co-ordinate the continuous            evaluation  undertaken by various departments within the college. He/she shall be nominated to the        college level    monitoring committee.
  • ‘Common Course I’ means a course that comes under the category of courses for English and ‘Common    Course  II’ means additional language, a selection of both is compulsory for all students undergoing          undergraduate  programmes.
  • ‘Complementary Course’ means a course which would enrich the study of core courses.
  • ‘Core course’ means a course in the subject of specialization within a degree programme.
  • ‘Course’ means a complete unit of learning which will be taught and evaluated within a semester.
  •  ‘Credit’ is the numerical value assigned to a course according to the relative importance of the   content         of the  syllabus of the programme.
  • ‘Department’ means any teaching department in a college.
  • ‘Department Co-ordinator’ is a teacher nominated by a Department Council to co-ordinate the continuous evaluation undertaken in that department.
  • ‘Department Council’ means the body of all teachers of a department in a college.
  • ‘Faculty Advisor’ means a teacher from the parent department nominated by the Department Council, who will advise the student in the choice of his/her courses and other academic matters.
  • Grace Marks shall be awarded to candidates as per the University Orders issued from time to time.
  • ‘Grade’ means a letter symbol (e.g., A, B, C, etc.), which indicates the broad level of performance of a student in a course/ semester/programme.
  • ‘Grade point’ (GP) is a numerical of the percentage of marks awarded to a student in a course.
  • ‘Open course’ means a course outside the field of his/her specialization, which can be opted by a student.
  • ‘Parent Department’ means the department which offers core courses within a degree programme.


  • Eligibility of admission, Norms for admission, reservation of seats for various Degree Programmes shall be according to the rules framed by the University from time to time.


  • The duration of U.G. programmes shall be 6/8 semesters (the semesters defined under 3.20, above).
  •  The duration of odd semesters shall be from June to October and that of even semesters from November to March. There shall be three days semester break after odd semesters and two months vacation during April and May in every academic year.
  • A student may be permitted to complete the Programme, on valid reasons, within a period of 12/16 continuous semesters from the date of commencement of the first semester of the programme.


  •  The strength of students for each course shall remain as per existing regulations, except in case of open courses for which there shall be a minimum of 15 and maximum of 75 students per batch, subject to a marginal increase of 10.
  •  Each student shall register for the courses in the prescribed registration form in consultation with the Faculty Advisor within two weeks from the commencement of each semester. Faculty Adviser shall permit registration on the basis of the preferences of the student and availability of seats.
  • The number of courses/credits that a student can take in a semester is governed by the provisions in these regulations pertaining to the minimum and maximum number of credits permitted.
  • A student can opt out of a course/courses registered subject to the minimum credits requirement, within seven days from the commencement of the semester.
  • The college shall send a list of students registered for each programme in each semester giving the details of courses registered including repeat courses to the University in the prescribed form within 20 days from the commencement of the Semester.
  •  Those students who possess the required minimum attendance and progress during an academic year/semester and could not register for the annual/semester examination are permitted to apply for Notional Registration to the examinations concerned enabling them to get promoted to the next class.


  •  The U.G. programmes shall include (a) Common courses I & II, (b) Core courses, (c) Complementary Courses, (d) Open Course.
  •  Credit Transfer and Accumulation system can be adopted in the programme. Transfer of Credit consists of acknowledging, recognizing and accepting credits by an institution for programmes or courses completed at another institution. The Credit Transfer Scheme shall allow students pursuing a programme in one University to continue their education in another University without break.


There shall be a maximum of three credits for the open course and remaining one credit should be shifted to choice based course or any other core course.


Programme Duration 6 Semesters
Total Credits required for successful
completion of the programme
Minimum credits required from common
Minimum credits required from Core +
complementary + vocational* courses
including Project
Minimum credits required from Open
Minimum attendance required . 75%


*The credit distribution for vocational courses is to be decided separately.


The evaluation of each course shall contain two parts:
(i) Internal or In-Semester Assessment (ISA)
(ii) External or End-Semester Assessment (ESA)
The internal to external assessment ratio shall be 1:4, for both courses
with or without practical. There shall be a maximum of 80 marks for external
evaluation and maximum of 20 marks for internal evaluation. For all courses
(theory & practical), grades are given on a 07-point scale based on the total
percentage of marks. (ISA+ESA) as given below.


Percentage  Of  Marks Grade Grade Point
90 and above A+ – Outstanding 10
80-89 A- Excellent 9
70-79 B – Very Good 8
60-69 C – Good 7
50-59 D – Satisfactory 6
40-49 E – Adequate 5


Note: Decimal are to be rounded to the next whole number.


Credit Point (CP) of a course is calculated using the formula
CP = C x GP, where C = Credit; GP = Grade point
Credit Point Average (CPA) of a Semester/Programme is calculated using the formula
CPA = TCP/TC, where TCP = Total Credit Point; TC = Total Credit
Grades for the different semesters and overall programme are given based on the corresponding CPA as shown below:


CPA Grade
Above 9 A+ – Outstanding
Above 8, but below or equal to 9 A – Excellent
Above 7, but below or equal to 8 B -Very Good
Above 6, but below or equal to 7 C – Good
Above 5, but below or equal to 6 D – Satisfactory
Above 4, but below or equal to 5 E – Adequate
4 or below F – Failure


Note: A separate minimum of 30% marks each for internal and external (for both theory and practical) and aggregate minimum of 40% are required for a pass for a course. For a pass in a programme, a separate minimum of Grade E is required for all the individual courses. If a candidate secures F Grade for any one of the courses offered in a Semester/Programme only F grade will be awarded for that Semester/Programme until he/she improves this to E grade or above within the permitted period. Candidate who secures E grade and above will be eligible for higher studies.


The external examination of all semesters shall be conducted by the University at the end of each semester. Internal evaluation is to be done by continuous assessment. Marks distribution for external and internal assessments and the components for internal evaluation with their marks are shown below:
Components of the internal evaluation and their marks are as below.

  • For all courses without practical
    a) Marks of external Examination : 80
    b) Marks of internal evaluation : 20

All the three components of the internal assessment are mandatory. For common course English in I Semester, internal oral examination shall be conducted instead of test paper.


Components of Internal
Attendance 5
Assignment /Seminar/Viva 5
Test paper(s) (1 or 2)
(1×10=10; 2×5=10)
Total 20
  • For all courses with practical
    a) Marks of theory –External Examination : 60
    b) Marks of theory –Internal Evaluation : 10


Components of Theory –
Internal Evaluation
Attendance 3
Assignment/Seminar/Viva 2
Test paper(s) (1 or 2)
(1×5=5; 2×2.5=5)
Total 10


c) Marks of Practical –External Examination: 40
(only in even semesters)
d) Marks of Practical- Internal Evaluation: 20


(odd and even semesters combined annually)
Components of
Attendance 4
Record* 10
Lab involvement 6
Total 20


*Marks awarded for Record should be related to number of experiments recorded.

  • Project Evaluation: (Max. marks100).


Components of Project-Evaluation Marks
Internal Evaluation 20
Dissertation (External) 50
Viva-Voce (External) 30
Total 100


12. Attendance Evaluation

  •  For all courses without practical.


% of attendance Marks
90 and above 5
85 – 89 4
80-84 3
76-79 2
75 1


(Decimals are to be rounded to the next higher whole number).

  •  For all courses with practical


% of Attendance Marks for
% of Attendance Marks for
90 and above 3 90 and above 4
80—89 2 85—89 3
75—79 1 80—84 2
    75—79 1


(Decimals are to be rounded to the next higher whole number).


Assignments are to be done from 1st to 4th Semesters. At least one assignment should be done in each semester.

A student shall present a seminar in the 5th semester and appear for Vivavoce in the 6th semester.


At least one internal test-paper is to be attended in each semester for each course. The evaluations of all components are to be published and are to be acknowledged by the candidates. All documents of internal assessments are to be kept in the college for two years and shall be made available for verification by the University. The responsibility of evaluating the internal assessment is vested on the teacher(s), who teach the course.

  •  Grievance Redressal Mechanism
    Internal assessment shall not be used as a tool for personal or other type of vengeance. A student has all rights to know, how the teacher arrived at the marks. In order to address the grievance of students a three-level Grievance Redressal mechanism is envisaged. A student can approach the upper level only if grievance is not addressed at the lower level.

Level 1: Dept. Level: The department cell chaired by the Head; and Dept. coordinator and teacher in-charge, as members.
Level 2: College level: A committee with the Principal as Chairman, Dept. Coordinator, HOD of concerned Department and a senior teacher nominated by the College council as members.
Level 3: University Level: A Committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman and Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Convener – Syndicate sub-committee on Students Discipline and Welfare, Chairman- Board of Examinations as members and the Controller of Examination as member-secretary.

  •  The college council shall nominate a senior teacher as coordinator of internal evaluations. This coordinator shall make arrangements for giving awareness of the internal evaluation components to students immediately after commencement of I semester
  • The internal evaluation report in the prescribed format should reach the University before the 4th week of October and March in every academic year.

16. External examination


  • The external examination of all semesters shall be conducted by the University at the end of each semester.
    Students having a minimum of 75% average attendance for all the courses only can register for the examination. Condonation of shortage of attendance to a maximum of 10 days or 50 hours in a semester subject to a maximum of 2 times during the whole period of the programme may be granted by the University on valid grounds. This condonation shall not be counted for internal assessment.
    Benefit of attendance may be granted to students attending University/College union/Co-curricular activities by treating them as present for the days of absence, on production of participation/attendance certificates, within one week, from competent authorities and endorsed by the Head of the institution. This is limited to a maximum of 10 days per semester and this benefit shall be considered for internal assessment also.
    Those students who are not eligible even with condonation of shortage of attendance shall repeat the course along with the next batch.
  • All students are to do a project. This project can be done individually or as a group of 3 students. The projects are to be identified during the II semester of the programme with the help of the supervising teacher. The report of the project in duplicate is to be submitted to the department at the sixth semester and are to be produced before the examiners appointed by the University.
  • There will be no supplementary exams. For reappearance/ improvement, the students can appear along with the next batch.
  • A student who registers his/her name for the external exam for a semester will be eligible for promotion to the next semester.
  • A student who has completed the entire curriculum requirement, but could not register for the Semester examination can register notionally, for getting eligibility for promotion to the next semester.
  • A candidate who has not secured minimum marks/credits in internal examinations can re-do the same registering along with the University examination for the same semester, subsequently.
    17. All programmes and courses shall have unique alphanumeric code. Each teacher working in affiliated institutions shall have a unique identification number and this number is to be attached with the codes of the courses for which he/she can perform examination duty.

The College Level Co-ordinator
The College level co-ordinator, who is nominated by the College Council shall perform the following:
The Coordinator shall make arrangement to give proper awareness of the programme, especially internal/continuous evaluation scheme to the students admitted.
The coordinator shall propose to the college council, the measures which are to be taken in the continuous evaluation.
The coordinator shall work as a link between the college and the university (as an assistance to the Principal) in academic matters.
The coordinator shall make arrangements for giving awareness of the internal evaluation components to students immediately after commencement of Isemester.
The college shall send a list of students registered for each programme in the prescribed format given by the university.
The college shall intimate the student strength for each open course to the university.
The Department Level Co-ordinator
There shall be a department level Co-ordinator to oversee the process of internal assessment for all programmes under the Department. The Head of the Department shall normally hold this responsibility.