Internal Compliant Committee

Internal Compliant Committee

The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) at our institution is dedicated to ensuring a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all members of our campus community. We are committed to addressing and resolving issues related to harassment, discrimination, and other forms of misconduct.

Our Mission: At the ICC, our mission is to create a campus where every individual feels secure and valued, regardless of their gender, background, or identity. We aim to promote a culture of respect and empathy, where incidents of harassment or discrimination are promptly addressed and rectified.


  • Addressing Complaints: The ICC is responsible for receiving and addressing complaints related to sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination, and other forms of misconduct. We ensure that these complaints are handled with sensitivity, confidentiality, and impartiality.
  • Awareness and Prevention: We organize awareness programs, workshops, and seminars to educate the campus community about their rights and responsibilities, as well as to prevent incidents of harassment and discrimination.
  • Support and Guidance: We provide guidance and support to those who have experienced harassment or discrimination, helping them navigate the reporting process and access necessary resources.
  • Policy Compliance: The ICC ensures that the institution complies with all relevant laws and policies regarding harassment and discrimination, including the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act.
  • Grievance Redressal: In addition to addressing specific complaints, we offer a grievance redressal mechanism to resolve issues and concerns related to harassment, discrimination, or misconduct.

Reporting an Incident: If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of harassment or discrimination, we encourage you to report it to the ICC. Your confidentiality will be respected, and we will take prompt action to address the matter.


Dr. Jenni K Alex– Pincipal (Member)

Dr. Saju Abraham – Vice Principal (Member)

Sri. Biju Peter – Vice Principal (Member)

Sr. Jayamol Thomas– Office Superintendent (Member)

Ms. Jisha Jacob – Presiding Officer & Chairman (Member)

Sr. Celin SABS – Hostel warden (Member)

Ms. Merline Paul – Psychologist, Social Justice Department (Member)

Ms. Jancy Joy – PTA Joint secretary (Member)

Ms. Liz Jacob – Librarian (Member)

Mr. Arjun Babu – UG representative (Member)

Ms. Mariatte Mathew – PG representative (Member)

Ms. Reeba Mary Cherian - Research Scholar (Member)