Dr. Bany Joy

MSC. Ph.D.



Master Degree (with Subject, Institution  and Year):

MSc. Zoology Nirmala College Muvattupuzha ,2015


Memberships in different Association

Life member ; The Ecological society of America (membership id:223408)

Life Member, Zoological Society of Kerala

2017 Junior Research Fellowship in Life Sciences by UGC, Govt.of India
2016 Junior Research Fellowship in Life Sciences by CSIR, Govt.of India
Awards Received
  1. Best Paper presentation Award in National Conference on recent trends in biological sciences in Indian Science Congress Association, Chennai chapter and P G & Research Dept. of  Zoology, The American College, Madurai on Date: 3rd February 2020

Journal Articles


Bany Joy, Gigy K Joseph ; “Comparative study on Hymenopteran diversity pertaining to forest and agricultural ecosystem of Idukki District in Western Ghats.”. International organization for Scientific Research (IOSR-JESTFT). e-ISSN: 2319-2402,p- ISSN: 2319-2399.Volume 11, Issue 5 Ver. II (May. 2017), PP 01-08 www.iosrjournals.org

Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph,:A Study on ant diversity(Hymenoptera;Formicidae) of Agricultural ecosystem of Idukki District in Western Ghats.  International Journal of Zoology Studies ISSN: 2455-7269; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.14  www.zoologyjournals.com  Volume 2; Issue 3; May 2017; Page No. 15-18

Bany Joy,Manju Kuruvilla:Screening of turbinaria for the presence and stability of antimicrobial compounds.European Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research ISSN:2394-3211;Impact factor:SJIF 4.161.www.ejpmr.com. Volume 4:Issue 9:September 2017:Page no.400-408

Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph,Merin P Johny,;A Study on ant diversity(Hymenoptera;Formicidae) of Thommankuth forest in Western Ghats (baselius researcher, Issn-0975-8658.vol no.XVIII NO.1,January-June 2017,pp 23-33).

Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph.:Patterns of crop raiding by wild animals in a selected fringe area of ranni forest in kerala,india.GIS Science journal.ISSN-1869-9391.Vol.8,issue 6,2021,pp:1246.

Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph:A Review on human wildlife conflicts during last two decades in Kerala,India.Mukt Shabd Journal.ISSN-2347-3150.Volume X,Issue ,May 2021,pp:1322.

Bany Joy.Human wildlife conflict:challenges and concerns.Scire science newsletter.ISSN-2581-4583:June 2021,pp:58.

Bany Joy ,Merin P Johny.:Exploring problem of human wildlife conflict:causes,Approaches and Management.Airo Journals.ISSN-2320-3714.VOL:4 Issue:3 December 2021.pp:361

Joy, b., johny, m. P., & joseph, g. K. (2021). Assessment of human-wildlife conflict in rajampara forest fringes, western ghats, kerala, india. Uttar pradesh journal of zoology, 1243-1248.

Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph,Merin P Johny: Intensity of Human Wild Boar Conflict with Special Reference to AgricultureinKanamalaForestFringes, WesternGhatsKerala, India. Ambient Science, 2023: Vol. 10(2); 11-13 DOI:10.21276/ambi.2023.10.2.aa01

Conference Presentations

Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph,;A Study on ant diversity(Hymenoptera;Formicidae) of Thommankuth forest in Western Ghats (international seminar on frontiers of genomics and molecular techniques.University college thiruvananthapuram).

Bany Joy,Manju Kuruvilla;Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of Sargassum species on gram positive and gram negative bacteria (international conference on traditional and alternative medicine,st.Thomas college,Pala)

Bany Joy, Gigi K Joseph,; Human Wildlife Conflict Assessment in Rajampara forest region, Western Ghats, Kerala. National Conference on recent trends in biological sciences organized by Indian Science Congress Association, Chennai chapter and P G & Research Dept. of  Zoology, The American College, Madurai on 3rd February 2020.

Bany Joy, Gigi K Joseph, : Assessment of  Human wildlife conflict in Kanamala Forest region, Western Ghats, Kerala. International seminar on reiterating biodiversity (Rei – Bio – 2019) organized by Directorate of Collegiate Education and Department of Zoology, K K T M Got. College, Pullut, Thrissur on 30th October, 2019.

Bany Joy,  Amrutha K Sudhan,Aiswarya Roy,Anjana G Krishnan,Nayana Raj,Amal Raveendran,Suhaana. Human-Wildlife Conflict in the Ecological Sensitive Zones in Idukki district,Kerala. International conference on Conservation, Displacement and Development Jointly Organized by Scheme for Trans-Disciplinary Research for India’s Developing Economy (STRIDE) Project UGC-MHRD Newman College Thodupuzha & Post Graduate Department of Economics on 10 & 11 August 2022

Book Chapters

Crop raiding pattern of wild animals involved in Human wildlife conflict pertaining to Rajampara forest fringes,Western Ghats Kerala.Biodiversity and conservation.ISBN:978-93-91308-47-6.VLM publications,New Delhi.pp:11.

The role of print media in installing anticonservation attitude among residents of human wildlife conflict zones of western ghats kerala. Land rights,conservation and People. ISBN:979-889002833-4 Notion press publishers,Delhi.PP:14

Human wildlife conflict: The periyar tiger reserve and Marayoor experience.Man Nature and Sustainability.ISBN 978-620-5-52392-6.Scholars Press,UK:PP:276


Human wildlife conflicts

Extension Activities:

Observer of CEE-Kerala Engineering/Pharmacy Entrance Examination (KEAM) , 2020,2021,2022 and 2023

Coordinator of KSCSTE supported Seminar on “Keep cool and carry on” on the occasion of World Ozone Day Celebrations- 2019 held at Newman College, Thodupuzha on september 16 2019.

District Co ordinator of Scholar Support Programme,an initiative of Govt of Kerala during 2019-20 academic year.

Serving as Admin of OET exams in association with Burlington English India Ltd

Coordinator of  College Admission committee and Admission Nodal officer.

 Resource Person for Sasthrapadham, a Science Enrichment residential Camp organized by Samagra Shiksha, Kerala in collaboration with Directorate of Collegiate Education and Department of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala at Newman College, Thodupuzha from 26-01-2019 to 28- 01-2019.

Core Committee member of UGC STRIDE Project, Newman College, Thodupuzha

Contact Address

Bany Joy

Assistant Professor

 Department of Zoology

Newman College, Thodupzha- 685 585, Kerala, India.

