MSC. Ph.D.
Master Degree (with Subject, Institution and Year):
MSc. Zoology Nirmala College Muvattupuzha ,2015
Life member ; The Ecological society of America (membership id:223408)
Life Member, Zoological Society of Kerala
2017 | Junior Research Fellowship in Life Sciences by UGC, Govt.of India |
2016 | Junior Research Fellowship in Life Sciences by CSIR, Govt.of India |
Bany Joy, Gigy K Joseph ; “Comparative study on Hymenopteran diversity pertaining to forest and agricultural ecosystem of Idukki District in Western Ghats.”. International organization for Scientific Research (IOSR-JESTFT). e-ISSN: 2319-2402,p- ISSN: 2319-2399.Volume 11, Issue 5 Ver. II (May. 2017), PP 01-08
Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph,:A Study on ant diversity(Hymenoptera;Formicidae) of Agricultural ecosystem of Idukki District in Western Ghats. International Journal of Zoology Studies ISSN: 2455-7269; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.14 Volume 2; Issue 3; May 2017; Page No. 15-18
Bany Joy,Manju Kuruvilla:Screening of turbinaria for the presence and stability of antimicrobial compounds.European Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research ISSN:2394-3211;Impact factor:SJIF Volume 4:Issue 9:September 2017:Page no.400-408
Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph,Merin P Johny,;A Study on ant diversity(Hymenoptera;Formicidae) of Thommankuth forest in Western Ghats (baselius researcher, Issn-0975-8658.vol no.XVIII NO.1,January-June 2017,pp 23-33).
Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph.:Patterns of crop raiding by wild animals in a selected fringe area of ranni forest in kerala,india.GIS Science journal.ISSN-1869-9391.Vol.8,issue 6,2021,pp:1246.
Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph:A Review on human wildlife conflicts during last two decades in Kerala,India.Mukt Shabd Journal.ISSN-2347-3150.Volume X,Issue ,May 2021,pp:1322.
Bany Joy.Human wildlife conflict:challenges and concerns.Scire science newsletter.ISSN-2581-4583:June 2021,pp:58.
Bany Joy ,Merin P Johny.:Exploring problem of human wildlife conflict:causes,Approaches and Management.Airo Journals.ISSN-2320-3714.VOL:4 Issue:3 December 2021.pp:361
Joy, b., johny, m. P., & joseph, g. K. (2021). Assessment of human-wildlife conflict in rajampara forest fringes, western ghats, kerala, india. Uttar pradesh journal of zoology, 1243-1248.
Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph,Merin P Johny: Intensity of Human Wild Boar Conflict with Special Reference to AgricultureinKanamalaForestFringes, WesternGhatsKerala, India. Ambient Science, 2023: Vol. 10(2); 11-13 DOI:10.21276/ambi.2023.10.2.aa01
Conference Presentations
Bany Joy,Gigy K Joseph,;A Study on ant diversity(Hymenoptera;Formicidae) of Thommankuth forest in Western Ghats (international seminar on frontiers of genomics and molecular techniques.University college thiruvananthapuram).
Bany Joy,Manju Kuruvilla;Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of Sargassum species on gram positive and gram negative bacteria (international conference on traditional and alternative medicine,st.Thomas college,Pala)
Bany Joy, Gigi K Joseph,; Human Wildlife Conflict Assessment in Rajampara forest region, Western Ghats, Kerala. National Conference on recent trends in biological sciences organized by Indian Science Congress Association, Chennai chapter and P G & Research Dept. of Zoology, The American College, Madurai on 3rd February 2020.
Bany Joy, Gigi K Joseph, : Assessment of Human wildlife conflict in Kanamala Forest region, Western Ghats, Kerala. International seminar on reiterating biodiversity (Rei – Bio – 2019) organized by Directorate of Collegiate Education and Department of Zoology, K K T M Got. College, Pullut, Thrissur on 30th October, 2019.
Bany Joy, Amrutha K Sudhan,Aiswarya Roy,Anjana G Krishnan,Nayana Raj,Amal Raveendran,Suhaana. Human-Wildlife Conflict in the Ecological Sensitive Zones in Idukki district,Kerala. International conference on Conservation, Displacement and Development Jointly Organized by Scheme for Trans-Disciplinary Research for India’s Developing Economy (STRIDE) Project UGC-MHRD Newman College Thodupuzha & Post Graduate Department of Economics on 10 & 11 August 2022
Crop raiding pattern of wild animals involved in Human wildlife conflict pertaining to Rajampara forest fringes,Western Ghats Kerala.Biodiversity and conservation.ISBN:978-93-91308-47-6.VLM publications,New Delhi.pp:11.
The role of print media in installing anticonservation attitude among residents of human wildlife conflict zones of western ghats kerala. Land rights,conservation and People. ISBN:979-889002833-4 Notion press publishers,Delhi.PP:14
Human wildlife conflict: The periyar tiger reserve and Marayoor experience.Man Nature and Sustainability.ISBN 978-620-5-52392-6.Scholars Press,UK:PP:276
Human wildlife conflicts
Observer of CEE-Kerala Engineering/Pharmacy Entrance Examination (KEAM) , 2020,2021,2022 and 2023
Coordinator of KSCSTE supported Seminar on “Keep cool and carry on” on the occasion of World Ozone Day Celebrations- 2019 held at Newman College, Thodupuzha on september 16 2019.
District Co ordinator of Scholar Support Programme,an initiative of Govt of Kerala during 2019-20 academic year.
Serving as Admin of OET exams in association with Burlington English India Ltd
Coordinator of College Admission committee and Admission Nodal officer.
Resource Person for Sasthrapadham, a Science Enrichment residential Camp organized by Samagra Shiksha, Kerala in collaboration with Directorate of Collegiate Education and Department of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala at Newman College, Thodupuzha from 26-01-2019 to 28- 01-2019.
Core Committee member of UGC STRIDE Project, Newman College, Thodupuzha
Bany Joy
Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology
Newman College, Thodupzha- 685 585, Kerala, India.