Under Graduate Programmes

MGU UGP (4 Years) 2024 Admission onwards
1 BA (Hons) History
2  BA (Hons) Economics
3  BA (Hons) English
4  BA (Hons) Malayalam
5 BSc (Hons)Psychology
6 BSc (Hons) Mathematics
7 BSc (Hons) Physics
8 BSc (Hons) Chemistry
9 BSc (Hons) Botany
10 BSc (Hons) Zoology
11 BCom (Hons) (Finance and Taxation with Financial Markets - Specialization)
12 BCom (Hons) (Finance and Taxation with Co-operation - Specialization) SF
13 BCom (Hons) (Co-operation with Financial Markets - Specialization) SF
14 BCom (Hons) (Logistic Management with Marketing - Specialization) SF
(3 Years)
1 B.A History Model I
2 B.A Economics Model I
3 B.A English Language and Literature Model I
4 B.A Malayalam Language and Literature Model I
5 B.Sc Psychology Model I
6 B.Sc Mathematics Model I
7 B.Sc Physics Model I
8 B.Sc Chemistry Model I
9 B.Sc Botany Model II Plant Biotechnology
10 B.Sc Zoology Model I
11 B.Com Finance & Taxation Model I
12 B.A English Literature & Communication Studies Model III(Double Main)
13 B.Com Computer Applications Model III
14 B.Com Finance & Taxation Model I
15 B.Com Co - operation Model I

Course Details of Under Graduate Programmes (3 years)

Common Courses: English, Malayalam,  Hindi

Core and Complementary Courses No of seats


1. Economics (Core), History, Political Science (Compl.)  60

2. History (Core), Economics, Political Science (Compl.)


3. English (Core), Evolution of Literary Movements, Political Science (Compl.)

4. Malayalam (Core), Kerala Culture and Sanskrit (Compl.)  24
5. English Literature & Communication Studies (Core)  24


1. Mathematics (Core), Statistics, Physics (Compl.)  50
2. Physics (Core), Mathematics, Chemistry (Compl.)  32
3. Chemistry (Core), Mathematics, Physics (Compl.)  40
4. Zoology (Core), Chemistry, Botany (Compl.)  40
5. Botany (Core), Plant Biotechnology (Vocational) and Biochemistry (Compl.)(Model -II)  24
6. Psychology (Core), Zoology, Statistics (Compl.)


1. B.Com. Finance & Taxation  50
2. B.Com. Computer Applications - Model III (S.F)  40
3. B.Com. Co-operation - Model I (S.F)  40
4.B.Com. Finance & Taxation - Model I (S.F)   40